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学术讲座:Medical Truth-Telling and Informed Consent in the Chinese Sociocultural Context

作者:系统管理员     发布时间:2017-06-09  浏览:


主题:The new methodologies of transcultural and global bioethics

主讲:Jing-Bao Nie

Professor, University of Otago, Bioethics Centre

主持:广州医科大卫生管理学院院长刘俊荣 教授







    Jing-Bao Nie was trained originally as a physician in Chinese medicine in China. He then studied sociology in Canada, and the medical humanities and bioethics in the USA. His extensive research takes a distinctive transcultural approach to bioethics and cultural studies, and provides unique insights into the Asian (particularly Chinese) socio-cultural context.

o    Consulting Editor of Asian Bioethics Review; Member of the Editorial/Advisory Boards of journals including Bioethics, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Medicine and Society, and Medicine and Philosophy (the last two in Chinese); the Human Ethics Advisory Board of PLOS One

o    Adjunct Professor, Peking University Health Science Center and Wuhan University, China

o    Fellow, The Hastings Center, USA

o    Associate, Asia Center, Harvard University, USA